Austin Ganz

Age: 17 years old

Contact: Cell Phone: (760) 579-2063


Goals: Complete college, study business/marketing/marine science; continue to compete in surfing competitions includting pro junior and wqs events.

Work Expirence: K5 Boardshop (Aug 2009-Present)

                          Surf Camps USA Tyson Street Oceanside CA (Three Summers)

                          Worked as a surfing instructor teaching children how to surf.

Education: Carlsbad High School 12th Grade GPA 3.9 

                  4 years of Spanish

                  Currently taking courses at Mira Costa Community College

Surfing Expirence: Have been competing for 7+ years winning numerous local series and contests including the ISF High School Series (2009) and the Koastal Kaos Series (2006-2007)

Currently Competing in WSA Prime and ISF competitions(ranked 4th in WSA and 1st in ISF)

Competed in "The Game" past 3 years representing Carlsbad High School (winning in 2008)

Community Service: Helped organize a non-profit surfing competition for the Make A Wish Foundation, raised $3000; website development and

Travels: Australia, El Salvador, Fiji, Hawaii(4 times), Costa Rica, Mexico, California